ULA Video
Software for automated analysis of video data obtained from thousands of different cameras.
What is ULA Video?

The analytical pipelines are capable to quickly and efficiently collection, evaluation, and analyze information obtained from thousands of different cameras, which can be located tens or hundreds of kilometers apart, as well as in remote areas.

- Faces
- Vehicles
- Objects
- Items
- Events
- Processes

Ability to retrain:
The ULA Video system can be trained to recognize specific objects, such as detecting various types of transportation vehicles and classifying them, as well as detecting and identifying different objects in infrastructure or people.
Fast data processing:
ULA Video has a high speed of processing offline and online video files and photos due to the use of modern technologies for processing large volumes of data.
High accuracy of analytics:
Improvement of object recognition quality, transport, or people based on repeated appearances in the frame on any camera connected to ULA Video.
Flexibility and scalability:
ULA Video has a distributed two-level architecture that allows the system to be customized to the specific needs of the customer and scaled as needed.
Wide functionality:
ULA Video can not only recognize objects but also analyze their actions, determine their behavior, size, shape, count the number of objects, allowing for various tasks related to security, monitoring, and process management.
Integration with other systems:
ULA Video has the ability to integrate with any customer systems (video surveillance or access control systems) for business process automation or information exchange in "server-server" mode, which significantly speeds up data processing.
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